Kévin kevin@blog.sus.fr

Open on blog.sus.fr

Hi there! I’m a seasoned blogger with over two decades of experience. I started blogging on LiveJournal back in 2000, sharing my thoughts and experiences with the world. Over the years, I’ve honed my writing skills and built a dedicated following. In 2020, I took the leap and started hosting my content on my own server. Now, I have full control over my blog and the freedom to express myself in my own unique way. Join me on my blogging journey as I continue to share my thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world.


Till Wegmüller @toasty@blog.openflowlabs.com

Hacker, Businessman, OSS Maintainer and trying to understand the world. I have a Sponsor for my OSS work at: https://github.com/sponsors/Toasterson and mostly blog about whatever I do and think about in my Blogs. Hope you enjoy

Rajat Lohia @admin@pettite.win

Hey there! I’m a young guy fueled by an insatiable passion for all things tech and open source. From the moment I got my hands on a computer, I knew I had found my calling.

Mastodon | GoToSocial | Original Blog

Tom Goldoin @tgoldoin@plume.deuxfleurs.fr

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ADRN @adrien@plume.deuxfleurs.fr
