Anger and Compassion

Anger is evil. Anger causes pain and suffering in others and self. Anger fuels more anger, is a vicious cycle, therefore an evil spiral.

Sorces of anger are many (fear, injustice, hurt, lack of values, lack of compassion, lack of understanding, egocentrism, lack of assertiveness, confusion, ignorance, violence, abuse).

Compassion is the antithesis to anger.

Tranformation of anger into compassion:

  • self awareness through being mindfull in the present
  • “walking in other’s shoes”
  • understanding self and other (compassion)
  • awareness of the relational connection to others
  • acceptance of anger
  • non-duality of self (i am angry, anger is not me)
  • compassionate assertiveness (love and values substitue anger and rage)
  • acceptance of unsatisfactoriness of life
  • non-violent loving action

Recommended reading: Anger, Thich Nhat Hanh, 2001.